Is your kitchen backsplash looking a little worse for wear? Maybe you’ve been considering tile replacement, but the idea of ripping out all that old tile makes you tired. Plus, who wants to deal with the mess?
Well, you’re in luck.
Tub Tile & Tops LLC of Nashville, TN, has just the solution for you:
Tile refinishing.
Never heard of refinishing before? Tile refinishing (sometimes also called “reglazing”) is a process that takes your existing tile and essentially gives it a new top coat. Here’s how it works:
- Preparation: We take some time to clean the tile thoroughly and then repair any chips or scratches.
- Refinishing: We’ll take your tile and carefully apply a combination of primers, bonding agents, top coats, and clear finishes until your tile looks brand new.
And the best part? You don’t have to stick with the same backsplash tile color you’ve been looking at for years. We have a wide range of finishes and colors that can instantly modernize your kitchen. If you didn’t hire us to do it, you may never know it’s the same tile.
The entire refinishing process usually takes less than a day or two, depending on the scope of work, and it’s generally less costly and invasive than a complete tile replacement. Plus, all our work comes with a five-year written warranty. That’s quality work you can rely on.
Tub Tile & Tops is Nashville’s premier refinishing expert serving
Brentwood, Clarksville,
Hendersonville, and the greater middle
Tennessee area. In addition to backsplash and floor tile, we also provide refinishing services for
sinks, and
countertops as well as
fiberglass repair for tubs,
pools, and more.
Discover how we can help you transform your backsplash and renovate your Tennessee home.
Contact us today at
(615) 469-0756.
photo credit:
The Kitchen: Chapter Six (Final Reveal!) via
photopin (license)