3 Reasons to Refinish Your Bathtub

Every day, your chipped or discolored bathtub is the first thing you see in the morning. It’s been driving you crazy, so it’s time to fix it! But which solution to choose – do you replace it completely, or have it refinished? At Tub Tile & Tops, we think there are countless reasons why choosing bathtub refinishing over replacement makes more sense. Contact us online, or call us at (615) 469-0756 today to request a quote. Here are three reasons to choose bathtub refinishing:

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Quick Guide to the Age Old Question: Shower or Bathtub?

Dog or cat? Soup or salad? Boxers or briefs? These are the life-changing questions that adults consider as they mature. When it comes to bathroom remodeling, however, perhaps no decision is more important than choosing between the soothing bubbles of a bathtub or the steamy pour of a hot shower. As of 2006, Tub Tile & Tops has remodeled the bathrooms of Tennessee homes and expanded upon the imaginations of their owners. To explore the full potential of your bathroom, call (615) 469-0756, or contact us online

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How to Unclog Your Sink the Eco-Friendly Way

A clogged or slow draining sink can not only be an annoyance but a sign of a deeper plumbing problem. Rather than relying on a costly plumber, most people tend to purchase chemical solutions that only work temporarily. However, these harsh chemicals can be corrosive and may even cause dangerous allergic reactions or respiratory complications. Following Nashville’s advancement toward eco-friendly solutions, our company Tub Tile & Tops encourages natural products and techniques. Call (615) 469-0756 to learn more about eco-friendly options. 

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How to Care for Your Refinished Bathtub

You’ve just gotten your bathtub refinishing project completed, but you want to ensure the like-new look of the tub stays the same for years to come. At Tub Tile & Tops, our experts not only transform bathtubs in the Nashville area, but we also share our knowledge with our customers about how they can maintain the results of bathtub refinishing. Check out our best maintenance tips for how to clean your tub.

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4 Most Common Questions about Bathtub Refinishing

Thinking about getting your bathtub refinished? If so—good decision! If your tub is looking a little lackluster, bathtub refinishing is much cheaper and easier than replacing it altogether. However, you may have some questions if you’ve never had a tub refinished before. You can always call us at Tub Tile & Tops to ask any questions you may have, but you can also read below to get answers to some of the most common questions we are asked. Continue reading

Your Bathroom Sink: To Replace or To Refinish?

You’re in the process of updating your bathroom, and you know that the sink needs some help. Not only is it the color that was only popular in the 1970s, but it has also suffered some wear and tear over the years. As you look into your sink options and consider whether replacement or refinishing is best, our team at Tub Tile & Tops LLC wants to help you think through your decision. Here are a few questions to consider.

Stonefleck Bathroom Sink Continue reading

Transform Your Shower Tile

Overall, you love your bathroom and your walk-in shower. It functions how you need it and is in relatively good condition. But you still find yourself looking at that shower tile, thinking, “If only it weren’t mint green…” Well, the good news is that with a little help from Tub Tile & Tops, it doesn’t have to be. Continue reading

Revitalize Your Kitchen Countertops

Countertop RefinishingYou’re in the process of updating your kitchen, but when you start shopping around for new countertops, the prices for materials and installation about make you lose your lunch.

But don’t get discouraged just yet! Let our team at Tub Tile & Tops offer you a more cost-effective solution: countertop refinishing. Continue reading

One-Day Upgrades for Your Home

Save Time with RefinishingRemodeling your kitchen or bathroom is a big undertaking. You have what feels like a thousand details to coordinate, and each upgrade takes time. However, living without a kitchen or bath for any extended period of time can be quite inconvenient. However, at Tub Tile & Tops LLC, we have a few ways you can transform your space without having to take more time than necessary. In fact, here are a few of our services, each of which takes about a day (maybe two) to complete. Continue reading

3 Ways to Upgrade Your Bathroom Fast

Tub Refinishing ServicesYou’ve been wanting to overhaul your bathroom, but finding the time just isn’t easy. And who wants to spend every weekend doing DIY projects when you could be enjoying Nashville living? Not you—and we don’t blame you. However, not every bathroom-remodeling project has to monopolize your life. In fact, our team at Tub Tile & Tops LLC has put together a few tips on how to transform your bathroom in the minimal amount of time. Continue reading